Sometimes you just need to Shut Up and write something already!
This isn’t my first blog. Heck it isn’t even my second swing. I’ve started many along the way and my last one got hacked. After that, I used the content loss as a completely illogical excuse not to create more content.
Excuses are easy. Doing something takes grit…so sometimes, you just gotta shut up and write.
Welcome to my new blog.
Our Farm name is Lazy Hollow Farm. It’s a regular Family Farm. We Love Nature and Permaculture and Homesteading among other things. My children are typical kids who as you might expect, don’t always want to hear what Mom and Dad have to say.
So here’s the plan…
When i think of stuff I know that others might not know, I’m going to write about it here and share.
If I have a thought about something going on in the world, I’m going to write about it here and share.
Basically, anything I think of that I might want my kids to read someday, I’m going to write about it here and share.
And so it begins (again)
Thanks for stopping in.
This is Lazy Hollow Farm and I’m the Dad.
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